Peak House Interior October 1924 – Assuming the house to face south, this is the first-floor east room, north wall. (courtesy of Medfield Historical Society)
Peak House Interior October 1924 – Assuming the house to face south, this shows the east end of the garret looking towards the south roof and through the door into the west end of the garret. (courtesy of Medfield Historical Society)
Peak House Interior October 1924 – Assuming the house to face south, this is the west room looking to the southeast corner. (courtesy of Medfield Historical Society)
Peak House Interior October 1924 – Assuming the house to face south, this is the first-floor east wall of the west room. (courtesy of Medfield Historical Society)
Peak House Interior October 1924 – Assuming the house to face south, this is the west end of the garret. (courtesy of Medfield Historical Society)
Peak House Interior October 1924 – Assuming the house to face south, this is the first floor and rooming looking east. (courtesy of Medfield Historical Society)
Peak House Interior October 1924 – Assuming the house to face south, this is the first-floor west room and west wall. (courtesy of Medfield Historical Society)
Peak House Interior October 1924 – Assuming the house to face south, this is the first-floor west room, south wall.
Peak House Interior October 1924 – Assuming the house to face south, this looking west in the garret.
Peak House Interior October 1924 – Assuming the house to face south, this is looking east in the garret.
Peak House Interior October 1924 – Assuming the house to face south, this shows the east wall of the main room with the window in the north wall.
Selected photographs courtesy of Medfield Historical Society 1924.